Being a homemaker is honourable work, but it is HARD work. If you find yourself needing a little bit of encouragement in todays post I am sharing 25 homemaker quotes! I hope these words encourage you as you continue the greatest work of making your house a home.
Homemaking is a 24/7 Job
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Our work as homemakers does not fit into the typical 9-5 mould. It truly is a 24/7 job and the work is hard!
We are the ones that make our houses homes that are a refuge for the souls we love the most. It is easy to forget the value of our duties as homemakers while we are vacuuming the floor for the 7th time in a week.
This is why I created this post. So you can tuck these words of encouragement away in your hearts and remember the value of the work you are doing.
25 Quotes to encourage your homemaker heart
“What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow.”~Martin Luther
“No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night. She may have to get up night after night to take care of a sick child, and yet must by day continue to do all her household duties well; and if the family means are scant she must usually enjoy even her rare holidays taking her whole brood of children with her. The birth pangs make all men the debtors of all women. Above all our sympathy and regard are due to the struggling wives among those whom Abraham Lincoln called the plain people, and whom he so loved and trusted; for the lives of these women are often led on the lonely heights of quiet, self-sacrificing heroism.”~Theodore Roosevelt, 1905
“Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.”
~Louisa May Alcott
“I am sure that there is no place in the world where your message would not be enhanced by your making the place (whether tiny or large, a hut or a palace) orderly, artistic and beautiful with some form of creativity, some form of ‘art.’”
~Edith Schaeffer, “The Hidden Art of Homemaking”
“She must look upon her home as the one spot on earth, for which she is alone responsible, and which she must cultivate well for God.”
~J.R. Miller
6) My personal favourite:
“No matter what’s happening in the world, have your tea, make your list, plan your food preparation, read to your children, wash the clothes, do something creative for everyone and be a light for your home.“
~Lydia Sherman
“You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, training them up God’s fear, minding the house and making your household a church for God as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of Hosts.”
~ Charles Spurgeon
“The mother who is faithful in the home honors God just as truly and fully as the most self-sacrificing missionary”
~Arthur W. Pink
“If you have been afraid that your love of beautiful flowers and the flickering flame of the candle us somehow less spiritual than living in starkness and ugliness, remember that He who created you to be creative gave you the things with which to make beauty and the sensitivity to appreciate and respond to His creation.”
~ Edith Schaeffer
“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Today when you nurture, love and meet the needs of your beloveds with beauty, it will make a difference in how they face their whole day.”
~ Sally Clarkson
“Even when the home life is fraught with difficulties and challenges, a christian mother has a great opportunity to influence her children for Christ. Her family is her mission field.”
~ Tom Ascol
“Home is the place where habits are formed – Home is the place where the foundations of character are laid – Home fives the bias to our tastes, likings, and opinions. See then, I pray you, that there be careful training at home.”
~ J.C. Ryle
” To be a housewife is a difficult, a wrenching, sometimes an ungrateful job if it is looked on only as a job. Regarded as a profession, it is the noblest as it is the most ancient of the catalogue. Let none persuade us differently or the world is lost indeed.”
~Phyllis McGinley
“The place where you are cooking, cleaning, and raising the next generation is indeed holy ground. Your home is holy ground because it’s where God has chosen to live and do His work.”
~ Donna Otto
“I enjoy doing the housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dishwashing. Whenever I get one of those questionaries and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It’s an admirable profession, why apologize for it. You aren’t stupid because you are a housewife. When you’re stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare.”
~ Tasha Tudor
“We are homemaking – literally “making a home”. We are working to create a lifestyle that says “welcome” to ourselves and everyone around us.”
~ Emilie Barnes
“I believe that a godly home is a foretaste of heaven. Our homes, imperfect as they are, must be a haven from the chaos outside. They should be a reflection of our eternal home, where troubled souls find peace, weary hearts find rest, hungry bodies find refreshment, lonely pilgrims find communion, and wounded spirits find compassion.”
~ Jani Ortlund
“Keeping a home not only requires time, energy, and creativity, but it also calls for skills and experience. I believe homemaking is an art, and to pursue the development of any piece of art demands time and talent.”
~ Dorothy Kelley Patterson
“In contrast to the wise woman, the foolish woman is not content to be a keeper at home. She is not satisfied with where God has put her. One of the things the feminist movement has done so successfully is to stir up discontent in women with being homemakers and to convince them that other pursuits can increase their sense of self-worth… Fueling discontent and pushing women out of their homes in search of greater meaning and satisfaction has resulted in off-the-chart stress levels for many women who can no longer survive without pills and therapists… The greatest spiritual, moral, and emotional protection a woman will ever experience is found when she is content to stay within her God-appointed sphere. This does not mean that she never leaves her house, but rather that her heart is rooted in her home and that she puts her family’s needs above all other interests and pursuits.”
~ Nancy Leigh Demoss
“As Christian women, this is the attitude that should characterize our lives. We are to be women who love our homes. We are not to merely workers at home, but we are to take great pleasure in working in our homes. We are to thoroughly enjoy the sphere that God has assigned to us.”
~ Carolyn Mahaney
“The home is where a woman provides the expressions of love for her husband and her children. The home is where she leads and guides and teaches and raises the godly generation. The home is where she is protected and secured from other men and potentially wicked relationships and abuses. The home is where she lodges strangers, washes saints’ feet, shows hospitality and devotes herself to every good work. That’s her sphere. And whatever of that home and whatever of the goodness of her life she can take outside and not sacrifice the home is between her and the Lord and her husband.”
~ John MacArthur
“There simply are not many grand moments of life, and we surely don’t live life in those moments. No, we live in the utterly mundane. We exist in the bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways of life. This is where the character of our life is set. This is where we live the life of faith”
~Paul David Tripp
“The challenge of ministry in our home is that we do not always feel very “spiritual” when we wash our dishes. It hardly feels significant to scrub our toilet. and we can feel that we are truly ministering when the Lord uses us to communicate a word of wisdom to someone, or He provides an opportunity to share the gospel with our neighbour. That seems like real ministry. And that is real ministry to be sure! But no more so than when we are wiping runny noses or cleaning the bathroom. That is because we have a very narrow view of true spirituality… The Lord wants to help us see the significance of ministry at home. He also wants to expand our vision for the multiple opportunities that we have for ministry in the home. Let’s ask the LORD to help us gain a biblical perspective of our ministry at home.”
~ Carolyn Mahaney
“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.”
~ Elisabeth Elliot
How to Incorporate Homemaker Quotes into Your Daily Life
- Here are 4 ways to incorporate these quotes in your daily life to encourage you as a homemaker.
- Write your favourite quotes on sticky notes and place them around your home, in places like your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or computer screen.
- Create a quote board in your kitchen or office where you can display your favorite quotes and switch them out periodically.
- Add a quote to your daily planner or journal to provide inspiration and encouragement throughout the day.
- Share your favourite quotes with friends or family members who could use a little pick-me-up.
What to do when you feel discouraged?
- Stop whatever you are doing and pray.
- Make yourself a cup of something warm, put on a lovely playlist of your favourite music, and just take a moment to look all around you.
- Sip on your drink and begin thanking God for everything that He blessed you with… yes that even includes the toys all on the ground, because those toys mean little blessings. Those dirty dishes means the bellies of your loved ones are full.
- Read through these homemaker quotes. Write one down where you can see it to be a constant reminder.
More Homemaking Encouragement on the blog
Encouraging Homemaking Books
Homemaking is a fulfilling and rewarding pursuit, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming at times. Fortunately, there are many books available that offer inspiration, encouragement, and practical advice for homemakers looking to improve their skills and maintain a positive attitude. Here are some of my personal favourite books that I turn to when I need encouragement as a homemaker:
- The Hidden Art of Homemaking By Edith Shaeffer
- The Lifegiving Home By Sally and Sarah Clarkson
- The Christian Homemakers Handbook By Pat Ennis and Dorothy Kelley Patterson
- For the Family’s Sake: The Value of Home in Everyone’s Life By Susan Shaeffer Macaulay
Don’t forget these Homemaker Quotes! Pin this Post for Later
I hope these homemaker quotes have inspired you!
~xo Jamie
Barbra-Sue says
What wonderful words of encourage ment , quite a collection.
Laura says
These are great, with lots of encouragement and support in these words. Thanks for sharing!